Saturday, June 1, 2013

Lasting Impressions

How do I even begin.  This trip has been such an incredible adventure.  From going on Serengeti safari or traipsing through Arusha National park to teaching precious children how to subtract with double borrowing, this trip has been such an amazing blessing and experience.

The biggest impression that will last forever are all of the faces and the culture of the Tanzanian people.  Simply walking on the street, you are able to notice the pole pole lifestyle and the hakuna matata life philosophy.  There is so much respect between everybody which amazes me since there are 120 tribes that all accept each others differences.  There is so much unity between the people.  No matter what tribe you come from, young and old know the Tanzania Anthem.  Going on our weekend adventures really showed me how proud the Tanzanians are about their land and how proud they are to be called Tanzanians.  However, walking through the markets you notice that the Tanzanians have little personal pride.  The hakuna matata lifestyle allows relationships to grow and invest since they all work together.  For example, a vendor in the market could watch his neighbors shop and continue to help his neighbor shop instead of ushering people into his or her own shop.  This creates a family unity that is also shown inside of the classroom

During our time at Assumptions there wasn’t any bullying going on that I saw!   Being in Standard II, the children really work well together, look out for one another and share!  This sense of unity and acceptance by all in the classroom is a huge necessity and one thing that I now can visually picture.
Arusha, Tanzania will always hold a special place in my heart.  It has helped me grow professionally and personally as I was able to really dive into the culture and lifestyle of a Tanzanian.  Africa may be third world but in my book, but I believe that in some aspects they are better off then we are.

Well in one hour I will be  saying farewell to my home for the month of May.  Bitter sweet!  Sad to leave all of the precious faces and people that we have met but excited to see the ones who will be waiting for me on the other side of the gate <3

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